The Dialogues of Plato (Complete Works by Plato)

Book ID: 2296
Sometimes it is not possible to find the cover corresponding to the book whose edition is published. Please, consider this image only as a reference, it will not always be the exact cover used in the edition of the published book.

Year of first publication: 1899

Translator: Benjamin Jowett (†1893)

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Edition: Oxford University Press, 1899

This book includes:

1 First Alcibiades
2 Second Alcibiades
3 Apology
4 Charmides
5 Cleitophon
6 Cratylus
7 Critias
8 Crito
9 Eryxias
10 Euthydemus
11 Euthyphro
12 Gorgias
13 Hippias Major
14 Hippias Minor
15 Ion
16 Laches
17 Laws
18 Seventh Letter
19 Lysis
20 Menexenus
21 Meno
22 Parmenides
23 Phaedo
24 Phaedrus
25 Philebus
26 Protagoras
27 Republic
28 Sophist
29 Statesman
30 Symposium
31 Theaetetus
32 Timaeus

Plato - Platón - Platone - Платон - أفلاطون

Year of first publication: 1899

Translator: Benjamin Jowett (†1893)

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Edition: Oxford University Press, 1899

Plato · English

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