About us
One More Library is one of the largest and oldest online libraries in the world. The project was founded in 2005 and currently stores more than 100,000 works in 15 languages. The project was conceived to store the works of the most relevant authors of the universal literature and make them accessible for free in different formats and languages.
All the content published in One More Library is in The Public Domain. You can share and adapt it for any use, even commercial. Quoting the source is not mandatory but will be appreciated.
One More Library will never claim any rights over the content published in it, without exceptions.
Each book published in One More Library is carefully reviewed prior to publication. Intellectual property rights are strictly respected. We review the published texts, the edition to which it belongs, the date of death of the author and translator, the rights of the images included in the document and the book cover and many other details. No work is published until we are completely sure that all content is in the public domain in the USA (the country in which our servers are located).
Intellectual property rights may change depending on the country but, in most countries, a book is in the public domain between 70 and 80 years after the death of the author. Due to this fact, most of the books published in One More Library can also be considered Public Domain Books in all the world. However, it is always advisable to review applicable laws in your country before downloading or sharing content from this site. You can check the exact copyright length in your country here.
One More Library is a website owned and controlled by FFB Consulting LLC, located at 8 The Green, Dover, 19901, Delaware, USA.
Please contact us if you detect any copyright infringement on this site. We carefully review all requests received. You can do it by using the report button on the published book page or by writing to us at the following email: hello@ffbusa.us.