Antología poética
In categories:
Literatura hispanoamericana, Colección Amado Nervo
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Sometimes it is not possible to find the cover corresponding to the book whose edition is published. Please, consider this image only as a reference, it will not always be the exact cover used in the edition of the published book.
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Year of first publication: 2003
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Source: Dominio público
Edition: Ediciones del Sur, Córdoba, Argentina, 2003
Notes: Edición puesta en el dominio público por la editorial
Last revision: January 15, 2018
Amado Nervo
Year of first publication: 2003
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Source: Dominio público
Edition: Ediciones del Sur, Córdoba, Argentina, 2003
Notes: Edición puesta en el dominio público por la editorial
Last revision: January 15, 2018
Amado Nervo · Español