
The Moonstone - William Wilkie Collins
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Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
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A Simple Soul - Gustave Flaubert
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Salammbo - Gustave Flaubert
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Bouvard and Pecuchet - Gustave Flaubert
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Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
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Candide - Voltaire
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The Story of the Late Mr Elvesham - HG Wells
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The Stolen Body - HG Wells
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The Stolen Bacillus - HG Wells
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The Remarkable Case of Davidsons Eyes - HG Wells
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The Purple Pileus - HG Wells
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The Moth - HG Wells
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The Jilting of Jane - HG Wells
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The Cone - HG Wells
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The Beautiful Suit - HG Wells
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Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland - HG Wells
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Mr Ledbetters Vacation - HG Wells
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Mr Brishers Treasure - HG Wells
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Miss Winchelseas Heart - HG Wells
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In the Avu Observatory - HG Wells
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The Outline of History - HG Wells
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Under the Knife - HG Wells
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The Treasure in the Forest - HG Wells
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The Plattner Story - HG Wells
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The Truth About Pyecraft - HG Wells
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The Flowering of the Strange Orchid - HG Wells
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The Diamond Maker - HG Wells
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Filmer - HG Wells
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Aepyornis Island - HG Wells
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The Obliterated Man - HG Wells
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The New Accelerator - HG Wells
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