The Writings of Henry David Thoreau in Twenty Volumes

Book ID: 3345
Sometimes it is not possible to find the cover corresponding to the book whose edition is published. Please, consider this image only as a reference, it will not always be the exact cover used in the edition of the published book.

Year of first publication: 1906

License: Public Domain

Edition: Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York, 1906

Last revision: October 25, 2019


- Volume 01: A week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
- Volume 02: Walden
- Volume 03: The Maine Woods
- Volume 04: Cape Cod and Miscellanies
- Volume 05: Excursions and Poems
- Volume 06: Familiar Letters
- Volume 07: Journal I, 1837 - 1846
- Volume 08: Journal II, 1850 - September 15, 1851
- Volume 09: Journal III, September 16, 1851 - April 30, 1852
- Volume 10: Journal IV, May 1, 1852 - February 27, 1853
- Volume 11: Journal V, March 5, 1853 - November 30, 1853
- Volume 12: Journal VI, December 1, 1853 - August 31, 1854
- Volume 13: Journal VII, September 1, 1854 - October 30, 1855
- Volume 14: Journal VIII, November 1, 1855 - August 15,, 1856
- Volume 15: Journal IX, August 16, 1856 - August 7, 1857
- Volume 16: Journal X, August 8, 1857 - June 29, 1858
- Volume 17: Journal XI, July 2, 1858 - February 28, 1859
- Volume 18: Journal XII, March 2, 1859 - November 30, 1859
- Volume 19: Journal XIII, December 1, 1859 - July 31, 1860
- Volume 20: Journal XIV, August 1, 1860 - November 3, 1861

Henry David Thoreau - Генри Торо - Тимоти Шей Артур - هنري ديفد ثورو

Year of first publication: 1906

License: Public Domain

Edition: Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York, 1906

Last revision: October 25, 2019

Henry David Thoreau · English

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