The Art of War

Sun Tzu / 孫子 (3 libros)
Año de la primera publicación: -500
Traducción: Lionel Giles M. A.
Licencia: Public Domain
Edición: Luzac & Co., London, 1910
Última revisión: Mayo 11, 2020
Portada original: Yes
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Lionel Giles was a British sinologist, writer, and philosopher, notable for his 1910 translation of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The 1910 Giles translation of The Art of War succeeded British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop's 1905 and 1908 translations, and refuted large portions of Calthrop's work. In the Introduction, Giles writes: It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were willfully distorted or slurred over. Such offenses are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Latin or Greek classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon in translations from Chinese.
Sun Tzu - 孫子 - Сунь-цзы - سون تزو