Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer

ID del libro: 831
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In the midst of a gloomy and beyond measure responsible thing to maintain your serenity is no small piece of art: and yet, what would be necessary than cheerfulness? Not a thing falls, where the person has not the arrogance in their share. The excess of force is the only evidence of force. - A revaluation of all values, this question mark so black, so tremendous that it casts shadows on them who it is - a fate of task forces at any moment, to walk in the sun, shake a heavy, too hard who have become serious by itself. Every means is this right, each "case" is a godsend. Above all the war. The war has always been the great wisdom of all too inward, too profound spirits who have become, even in a wound is still healing. A maxim whose origin I withhold the learned curiosity had long been my motto:

increscunt animi, virescit volner virtus.

Friedrich Nietzsche - Фридрих Ницше - فريدريش نيتشه

Friedrich Nietzsche · English

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