The Snake's Pass

كتاب معرف: 209
وليس من الممكن دائما العثور على غلاف الكتاب للكتاب الذي نشرت طبعة. يرجى النظر في هذا فقط كصورة مرجعية، وليس دائما بالضبط غلاف الكتاب المستخدمة في الطبعة التي نشرت الكتاب.

سنة النشر: 1890

رخصة: Public Domain

تاريخ آخر مراجعة: آذار/مارس 8, 2016



Between two great mountains of grey and green, as the rock cropped out between the tufts of emerald verdure, the valley, almost as narrow as a gorge, ran due west towards the sea. There was just room for the roadway, half cut in the rock, beside the narrow strip of dark lake of seemingly unfathomable depth that lay far below between perpendicular walls of frowning rock. As the valley opened, the land dipped steeply, and the lake became a foam-fringed torrent, widening out into pools and miniature lakes as it reached the lower ground. In the wide terrace-like steps of the shelving mountain there were occasional glimpses of civilization emerging from the almost primal desolation which immediately surrounded us—clumps of trees, cottages, and the irregular outlines of stone-walled fields, with black stacks of turf for winter firing piled here and there.[...]

Bram Stoker - Брэм Стокер - برام ستوكر

سنة النشر: 1890

رخصة: Public Domain

تاريخ آخر مراجعة: آذار/مارس 8, 2016

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