
كتاب معرف: 857
وليس من الممكن دائما العثور على غلاف الكتاب للكتاب الذي نشرت طبعة. يرجى النظر في هذا فقط كصورة مرجعية، وليس دائما بالضبط غلاف الكتاب المستخدمة في الطبعة التي نشرت الكتاب.


BOOK I. From Alexius' Youth to the Last Months of Botaniates' Reign

BOOK II. The Revolt of the Comneni

BOOK III. The Accession of Alexius and Interfamily Power Struggles

BOOK IV. War with the Normans (1081-2)

BOOK V. War with the Normans (1082-83) (i-vii) : Alexius' First Battle with Heretics - John Italus (viii-ix)

BOOK VI. Norman West : Death of Robert Guiscard : The Turks

BOOK VII. War with the Scyths (1087-90)

BOOK VIII. War with the Scyths (1091) : Victory at Levunium (29 April 1091) : Plots against the Emperor

BOOK IX. Turkish War : Dalmatian Interlude (1092-4) : Conspiracy of Nicephorus Dio-genes (1094)

BOOK X. Second Battle with Heresy : The Cuman War : First Crusade (1094-97)

BOOK XI. The First Crusade (1097-1104)

BOOK XII. Domestic Conflicts : Second Norman Invasion (1105-7)

BOOK XIII. The Conpiracy of Aston : The Final Defeat of Bohemond : The Treaty of Devol. (1107-8)

BOOK XIV. Turks, Franks, Cumans and Manichaeans (1108-15)

BOOK XV. Victory over the Turks : The Orphanage : Heresy of the Bogomils : Last Ill-ness and Death of Alexius (1116-18)

APPENDIX. The House of Comnenus [Diagram from Psellus' Chronographia]

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