The Sleeper Awakes

كتاب معرف: 420
وليس من الممكن دائما العثور على غلاف الكتاب للكتاب الذي نشرت طبعة. يرجى النظر في هذا فقط كصورة مرجعية، وليس دائما بالضبط غلاف الكتاب المستخدمة في الطبعة التي نشرت الكتاب.


One afternoon, at low water, Mr. Isbister, a young artist lodging at Boscastle, walked from that place to the picturesque cove of Pentargen, desiring to examine the caves there. Halfway down the precipitous path to the Pentargen beach he came suddenly upon a man sitting in an attitude of profound distress beneath a projecting mass of rock. The hands of this man hung limply over his knees, his eyes were red and staring before him, and his face was wet with tears.

He glanced round at Isbister’s footfall. Both men were disconcerted, Isbister the more so, and, to override the awkwardness of his involuntary pause, he remarked, with an air of mature conviction, that the weather was hot for the time of year.

“Very,” answered the stranger shortly, hesitated a second, and added in a colourless tone, “I can’t sleep.”[...]

Herbert George Wells - Герберт Джордж Уэллс - هربرت جورج ويلز

H. G. Wells · English

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