Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits

ID du livre: 845
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This book includes:



- Of First and Last Things

- On The History of the Moral Sensations

- The Religious Life

- From the Souls of Artist and Writers

- Tokens of Higher and Lower Culture

- Man in Society

- Woman and Child

- A Glance at the State

- Man Alone with Himself

- Among Friends: An Epilogue



- Part One: Assorted Opinions and Maxims

- Part Two: The Wanderer and His Shadow

Friedrich Nietzsche - Фридрих Ницше - فريدريش نيتشه

Friedrich Nietzsche · English
Fate and History
Fate and History
Modern Western PhilosophyFriedrich Nietzsche · English
From my Life
From my Life
Biographies and AutobiographiesFriedrich Nietzsche · English
On Moods
On Moods
Modern Western PhilosophyFriedrich Nietzsche · English
The Antichrist
The Antichrist
Modern Western PhilosophyFriedrich Nietzsche · English

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