Early Greek Philosophy and Other Essays

ID du livre: 840
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Early Greek Philosophy & Other Essays, Volume Two from collection "The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche". Published September 1910. Translated by Maximilian A. Mugge


Works included in this book:

1. The Greek State - Preface to an unwritten book (1871)

2. The Greek Woman - Fragment (1871)

3. On Music and Words - Fragment (1871)

4. Homer's Contest - Preface to an unwritten book (1872)

5. The Relation of Schopenhauer's Philosophy to A German Culture- Preface to an unwritten book (1872)

6. Philosophy During the Tragic Age of the Greeks (1873)

7. On Truth and Falsity in their ultramoral sense (1873)


This book was digitalized by The Internet Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924021569151

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