Parva Naturalia

ID del libro: 750
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Año de la primera publicación: -350

Traducción: J. I. Beare, George Robert Thompson Ross

Licencia: Public Domain

Edición: From the book The Works of Aristotle, At the Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1908

Notas: Date of first publication may not be accurate

Última revisión: Mayo 24, 2019

The Parva Naturalia (or Short Treatises on Nature) is a collection of seven works by Aristotle:


- Sense and Sensibilia (or De Sensu et Sensibilibus) - Translated by J. I. Beare

- On Memory and Reminiscence (or De Memoria et Reminiscentia) - Translated by J. I. Beare

- On Sleep and Sleeplessness (or De Somno et Vigilia) - Translated by J. I. Beare

- On Dreams (or De Insomniis) - Translated by J. I. Beare

- On Divination in Sleep, also known as On Prophesying by Dreams (or De Divinatione per Somnum) - Translated by J. I. Beare

- On Length and Shortness of Life (or De Longitudine et Brevitate Vitae) - Translated by G. R. T. Ross

- On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration (or De Juventute et Senectute, De Vita et Morte, De Respiratione) - Translated by G. R. T. Ross

Aristóteles - Aristote - Aristotle - Аристотель - أرسطو

Año de la primera publicación: -350

Traducción: J. I. Beare, George Robert Thompson Ross

Licencia: Public Domain

Edición: From the book The Works of Aristotle, At the Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1908

Notas: Date of first publication may not be accurate

Última revisión: Mayo 24, 2019

Aristotle · English

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